




Coachella Valley Independent

My Blog List

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

MY MEMORIES of COACHELLA VALLEY USD, salvaged from posterous/twitter

for main document SEE



et al
 Also re
Now available to view, in part, at

I started a website entitled “God Notes”, among others, on (posterous was subsequently purchased by Twitter but promised everything would remain as-is) on 11/30/10 and continued posting to it thru 8/16/12. Around that time, or shortly thereafter, I suddenly received a pop-up telling me that I was “permanently banned” from posting on posterous. It did NOT explain why, not offer any opportunity to “contact” them and ask for more information, etc. Subsequently, I wrote a letter via postal mail to the last known address of posterous headquarters in San Francisco and it subsequently was returned to me un-read, as if there is nobody in that office anymore. Posterous did NOT go out-of-business, and you can still browse various posterous websites, but they removed ALL of mine except for one; namely my audio-bible website entitled .

As of 2/19/13 this is the only posterous website of mine (of many) that remains available for viewing (and listening; it’s an audio site). Also subsequently, YouTube terminated my account citing, randomly, “copyright” issues and ‘community guideline” violations. However, YouTube signaled to me that they can pick-&-choose what they consider to be “community guidelines” even if it means being “too good” which seems to be the case (in one instance they chose a posting I made about an injured professional football player, entitled “thoughts & prayers for…” and used NO outside media footage(neither video or image or anything else) but simply a photo of the player’s name (created & photographed by me). Hence, what I ascertained, indirectly, was that I was becoming a political “hit job” by posterous/twitter and YouTube/google. They do NOT want nor like users who are “too conservative” (and yet I consider myself a moderate on the conservative side, indicating that extreme liberalism is the preferred “norm” for these institutions; whereas I frequently spoke out, and continue to do so, against abortion, and against gay marriage (yet am against gay bashing of any kind) .

Fortunately, I managed to salvage some of the posts  by going back to my gmail account from which the post was sent. However, in some cases this does not include the original content if it was linked to a YouTube video, etc. Nor do I have the time or means to put it all back together from the original content because I do not have a “perfect cataloging system” for all my various media means & modes  (much of it I do have backed up here& there but it’s on various different flash-drives, cd’s etc, some of which subsequently failed, or in one case I had a few flash-drives stolen).

Hence, the only response to such deletion or loss of intellectual property is to try to at least show what activity you did on such behalf (for the doubters, scoffers, cynics, & political hitmen) and urge fellow believers to put pressure on such institutions against political hit jobs (one problem being that conservatives tend not to make much, or enough, “noise” (perhaps part of the reason we still have an extremely liberal president) while small segments of liberalism make disproportionate “noise” to get what they want (the gay community being one of them). With that said, I present to you my T-note (standing for “theological notes) or “god note” library, in part, for what it is worth; and also possibly for potential future legal action against Posterous/Twitter and/or YouTube/Google .